The key to creating a successful visitor attraction design is having a deep understanding of the audience.
In addition to demographics, we seek to understand their behaviours such as what captures their imagination, what they’ll feel captivated by and what they will want to share with others and return to themselves.

While authentically delivering on the audience’s expectations, a well-designed attraction should also be immersive and enhance the surrounding experience, whilst delivering on audience numbers and commercial objectives.
As a central component of the tourism sector, visitor attraction design can range from a singular experience to one that covers a number of locations. Like experience design, visitor attraction design takes into account the full visitor journey from the very first interaction with the subject to the very last.
Well-considered attractions should create unique, stand-out moments that set the particular location apart. Storytelling and narrative can be used within these experiences to create a greater appreciation and understanding of the location or the events connected to that place.
Successful visitor attraction design also takes into account international visitor trends as well as engaging with local audiences.

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